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Material and methods Preparation of fish fillet Rainbow trout

Table 4.
    ANOVA of the selected model fit.SourceSum of squaresDfMean squaresF valuep-Value prob > FModel68.39513.6872.32<0.0001 significantLinear mixture15.3727.6940.65<0.0001AD10.58110.5857.35<0.0001BD6.7116.7135.49<0.0001CD9.9519.9552.61<0.0001Residual4.92260.19Lack of fit4.92180.27Pure error0.00080.000Cor total73.3031A = Ag nanoparticles, B = CuO nanoparticles, C = ZnO nanoparticles, D = Time, Df = degree of freedom.Full-size tableTable optionsView in workspaceDownload as CSV
As contour plots of coliform load (Fig. 1) shows, with decreasing Ag and increasing CuO concentrations, microbial load dapt secretase falling from 5.925 log at the first week to 1.992 log at the last week. There was decreasing trend at the second and third weeks, too (data was not shown). Our data show that inactivation rates with nanocomposite films during 4 weeks is higher than those obtained in previous reports.
Fig. 1. Contour plots of coliform load in cheese packed with nanocomposite films at the first (a) and the end of storage (4th weeks) (b) using combined design. Red spots on the contour plots implies log 10 cfu/g of coliform in nanocomposite films. (For interpretation of the references to color in heartwood figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)Figure optionsDownload full-size imageDownload as PowerPoint slide

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