All in all, the main objective of this TRC 051384 paper is to stress the need for a unifying framework that should allow a better understanding of different models in terms of different specifications of a basic, quite general structure. Such a unifying view should then allow a clarifying analysis of the relationships between several knowledge representation formalisms. A basis for the development of more expressive models should be also provided.
In particular, paired structures stand as a first attempt to describe reality through the logical representation of context and the paired aggregation of semantically opposite-related concepts. As a anaphylactic shock point of departure for knowledge representation, paired structures allow building the meaning of concepts by logical analysis, learning their semantic structure. The semantical relationship between paired concepts can suggest new concepts or their own reshaping. Paired fuzzy sets and paired structures should be considered a basic model to move on towards more accurate representation models.
In particular, paired structures stand as a first attempt to describe reality through the logical representation of context and the paired aggregation of semantically opposite-related concepts. As a anaphylactic shock point of departure for knowledge representation, paired structures allow building the meaning of concepts by logical analysis, learning their semantic structure. The semantical relationship between paired concepts can suggest new concepts or their own reshaping. Paired fuzzy sets and paired structures should be considered a basic model to move on towards more accurate representation models.