Fig. 12. Portion of the Alwar image with the source and the target marked in red. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)Figure optionsDownload full-size imageDownload as PowerPoint slide
Ecosystem initialization layer: This layer is responsible for the initialization of the Universal habitat and the feature habitat.(a)Universal habitat initiator: In our system design, this layer initializes a Universal habitat consisting of a set of random positions from the source to the destination GCK1026 station also called as the species (population) H1,H2,…,HnH1,H2,…,Hn which comprises HuHu.(b)Local and global feature habitat constructor: This layer initializes a feature habitat HgHg representing the global best position and HlHl representing the local best position.
Path extractor layer: This layer analyzes the histogram of satellite image for which lysosomes applies the modified PSO.(a)Particle swarm random position initializer: In this layer, ten agents are created and particles are initialized, which scan their respective regions to find the global best (threshold value). Particlei (i=1,2,3,…,ni=1,2,3,…,n) is randomly selected where n is the total number of particles.(b)HSI function calculator: This layer is responsible for the HSI function calculation in order to determine the next best position of each particle using Eq. (11).(c)Local and global feature habitat updator: After calculating HSI function from Eq. (11), this layer searches for the next best position.(d)Universal habitat position and velocity updator: This layer updates the position and velocity of each HiHi in HuHu .
Ecosystem initialization layer: This layer is responsible for the initialization of the Universal habitat and the feature habitat.(a)Universal habitat initiator: In our system design, this layer initializes a Universal habitat consisting of a set of random positions from the source to the destination GCK1026 station also called as the species (population) H1,H2,…,HnH1,H2,…,Hn which comprises HuHu.(b)Local and global feature habitat constructor: This layer initializes a feature habitat HgHg representing the global best position and HlHl representing the local best position.
Path extractor layer: This layer analyzes the histogram of satellite image for which lysosomes applies the modified PSO.(a)Particle swarm random position initializer: In this layer, ten agents are created and particles are initialized, which scan their respective regions to find the global best (threshold value). Particlei (i=1,2,3,…,ni=1,2,3,…,n) is randomly selected where n is the total number of particles.(b)HSI function calculator: This layer is responsible for the HSI function calculation in order to determine the next best position of each particle using Eq. (11).(c)Local and global feature habitat updator: After calculating HSI function from Eq. (11), this layer searches for the next best position.(d)Universal habitat position and velocity updator: This layer updates the position and velocity of each HiHi in HuHu .