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The 2000s have been occupied years

for NEF. In 2003 NEF published Symbol
Storey's Cinema au Naturel: A History
of Naturist Movie, the first completely developed
study of nudism as presented since
the 1930s in film and video. That same
year, NEF created an 18-minute VHS
video (released on DVD in 2007) called
Chasing the Sun. Directed by valued
filmmaker and videographer Edin Velez,
NEF thought the video as an introduction to nudism for legislators. Velez
had created almost a dozen naturist
videos in partnership with TNS in the
1980s, while TNS staff photographer
Michael Cooney continued TNS' video

Creation through the later 1990s and
into the 2000s.

Expanding Grassroots
Activism: NACAR & NEFAR
By the mid-1990s NAC had become an efficient political action group whose professionalism and effectiveness had engendered
Regard from naturist and non-naturists
groups equally. Shortly however, the board
had to admit its need for some
Support. Having become quite adept at
Locating anti-nudity legislation even before
it became known to the public, and
learning techniques to defeat it in legislative committees, NAC desired to expand
on its own success.

In 1995, NAC created the Naturist
Action Committee Area Representative
System. NAC Place Reps, or NACARs,
are TNS members who are willing and able
to oversee a selected geographical region
as an assistant to the NAC board member
covering that area. For example, someone
from a beach support group in California
might become a NACAR to track actions
at that particular shore for the NAC board
member covering California. The NACAR
would also be in a position locally to observe
for any city, county, or state anti-nudity
Laws. If bills, ordinances, or changes
in law enforcement appear, the NACAR
would be in a good position to garner
support from local naturists to help NAC
defend the region's naturist liberties.

In 1996 NEF established an analogous
program of Naturist Education Foundation
Region Representatives (i.e. NEFARs) who
wish to assist NEF in encouraging naturism,
but who aren't particularly interested in
doing the political or legislative work on
which NAC tends to focus much of its

After going through the learning process of creating and dissolving the NLC,
NNLC, and ACFRI, The Naturist Society
Appears to have hit upon a recipe for success
with NAC. The debut activist group
for nudism continues to boast a success

rate percentile in the 90s in challeng-
NAC's leadership stays firmly rooting state anti-nudity laws. There's ed in the TNS membership. The NAC
today a dependable heart of committee mem- board takes as its duty to help
bers, NACARS, professional volunteers, individuals, clubs, and other naturist
and financial subscribers. In Recap of Our FKK Upstate NY Party at Bare Lake Nudist Club as they submit ideas for defending
Kept Washington lobbyist Scootch or improving naturist independence. In a fresh
Pankonin to assist the board on federal and millennium, when business and corporate
state nudity policy and legislation issues. paradigms are taken as axiomatic, a volShe served in that capacity until 2001. In unteer grassroots organization may look
1997, NAC hired Bob Morton of Central anachronistic. But so far it's worked
Texas Nudists as Executive Director, and surprisingly good.
He's served as chair of both NAC and
NEF from then until today.
Clothed with the Sun

To make itself even more effective in
getting info out to naturists and
& Natural
to direct letters, phone calls, faxes, and e-mails to key legislators considering significant bills pertaining to nudity, NAC has In the spring of 1989 (to back up a
established an online NAC Alarm System bit), TNS sent its members their first
delivered by many different naturist list serv- copy of Nude & Natural magazine.
jourers. Coupled with the NAC Newsletter,
the NAC Alerts have proven invaluable in nal for several motives. First, some
marshaling immediate gra

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