The Z–H search results of the two events (+)-SK&F 10047 hydrochloride shown in Fig. 6a, the resulting (Z, H ) are (2.50±0.152.50±0.15, 4.00±0.014.00±0.01) and (16.80±0.4116.80±0.41, 3.98±0.053.98±0.05) km respectively for the 10/15/1997 and 07/11/2004 events. The uncertainties shown here are calculated based on a bootstrap method (Efron and Tibshirani, 1986). The estimated water depths are consistent with the depths of ETOPO1 (Amante and Eakins, 2009), which indicates ocean depths of 4.00 and 3.79 km beneath the two epicenters. Thus it is likely that the 10/15/1997 earthquake occurred in oceanic crust, while the 07/11/2004 event ruptured in mantle lithosphere.
Fig. 6. Same as Fig. 4, but for the two earthquakes occurring in the eastern Pacific. The Z–H search gives optimal (Z,H) grid search results of (2.50, 4.00) km and (16.8, 3.98) km respectively for the 10/15/1997 and 07/11/2004 events, resulting in focal depths of 6.5 and 20.8 km below sea level.Figure optionsDownload full-size imageDownload high-quality image (413 K)Download as PowerPoint slide
Fig. 6. Same as Fig. 4, but for the two earthquakes occurring in the eastern Pacific. The Z–H search gives optimal (Z,H) grid search results of (2.50, 4.00) km and (16.8, 3.98) km respectively for the 10/15/1997 and 07/11/2004 events, resulting in focal depths of 6.5 and 20.8 km below sea level.Figure optionsDownload full-size imageDownload high-quality image (413 K)Download as PowerPoint slide