Agriculture use within mangroves corresponds to coconut cultivations which occupy a smaller area than aquaculture (Table 4) and are spatial distributed within the northeast mangroves (Fig. 3), making up of about 20% of this SB 431542 mangrove area (Table 4). In the field, this mangrove vegetation showed short (height < 7 m) to medium (height of 7 m–15 m) stature with the occurrence of the true species: R. mangle, Avicennia schaueriana, A. germinans (L.) Stearn and Laguncularia racemosa ( Fig. 5g, h). Among the mangrove-associated species, it was registered Conocarpus erectus, Spartina sp. and Acrostichum aureum, the latter occurring as patches inside mangrove vegetation ( Fig. 5f). Non-mangrove plant species such as the sedge Eleocharis sp. R.Br. and Scirpus sp. L. colonize the mangrove edges, along with patches of A. aureum ( Fig. 5e). In addition, it was recorded the occurrence of typical species of freshwater environments such as Annona glabra L. and Montrichardia arborescens (L.) Schott scattered within short statute mangroves the in canal edges near to the mouth of the SFRE ( Fig. 5g).