Roughness index−51204.711−1.0870.277
Closeness index−0.0970.057−1.7060.088⁎−0.1180.037−3.1760.001⁎⁎⁎
Betweenness index0.1320.0751.7570.079⁎0.1160.0691.6880.092⁎
Street density−0.0200.027−0.7180.473
Marginal R20.4740.364
Conditional R20.6910.725
Signif. codes:
<0.1.<br /> ⁎⁎
<0.05.<br /> ⁎⁎⁎
<0.01.<br /> Table options
4. Discussion
4.1. Empirical findings
Our models show that KPT-185 traffic safety is of importance. The variables operationalizing the exposure to major roads/highways (Model 2) and cycling path availability (Model 3) within a buffered trip, have a significantly negative and positive correlation, respectively, with ATS (Pont et al., 2009). The explanations for both variables are clear: Being separated from busy roads reduces the risk of
being injured when crossing busy streets, and cycling infrastructure reduces parental concerns about traffic safety (Pucher and Dijkstra, 2003 and Pont et al., 2009). This is in line with van Kann et al. (2015). Even though traffic safety is essential for ATS (De Vries et al., 2010a), Aarts et al. (2013) found no significant association for the Netherlands. Although Larsen et al. (2009) used the perceived quality of sidewalks and cycling lanes instead of objective measures, lymphatic circulation report a supporting effect for the USA.
Closeness index−0.0970.057−1.7060.088⁎−0.1180.037−3.1760.001⁎⁎⁎
Betweenness index0.1320.0751.7570.079⁎0.1160.0691.6880.092⁎
Street density−0.0200.027−0.7180.473
Marginal R20.4740.364
Conditional R20.6910.725
Signif. codes:
<0.1.<br /> ⁎⁎
<0.05.<br /> ⁎⁎⁎
<0.01.<br /> Table options
4. Discussion
4.1. Empirical findings
Our models show that KPT-185 traffic safety is of importance. The variables operationalizing the exposure to major roads/highways (Model 2) and cycling path availability (Model 3) within a buffered trip, have a significantly negative and positive correlation, respectively, with ATS (Pont et al., 2009). The explanations for both variables are clear: Being separated from busy roads reduces the risk of