2.1. Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex (CACC)
The sub-aerial counterpart
of the late Cretaceous intrusions (2R,4R)-APDC represented by remnants of Upper Cretaceous felsic to intermediate volcanics preserved in three main areas: (1) The Saraykent volcanics (labeled as 1 in Fig. 1b) (Ku?cu and Floyd, 1995 and Gen?alio?lu-Ku?cu and Floyd, 2002); (2) the Karah?d?r and Kötüda? volcanics c (labeled as 2a and 2b in Fig. 1b) (Seymen, 1982); (3) In the Gül?ehir–Avanos area near Gümü?kent, the K?z?ltepe volcanics (labeled as 3a in Fig. 1b) (Ayd?n, 1985), and the “Karah?d?r” volcanics in the east (labeled 3b in Fig. 1b) (K?ksal and G?ncüo?lu, 1997 and K?ksal et al., 2001). A new 40Ar/39Ar plagioclase analysis from a “Karah?d?r” andesite gives an age of 72.1 ± 1.5 Ma (Advokaat et al., 2014).
2.2. The Gül?ehir–Avanos area
The Gül?ehir–Avanos area (Fig. 2) is adenine located in the center of the CACC, at the northern boundary of the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province of Cappadocia. It contains two crystalline massifs, the H?rkada? Massif in the west and Idi? Da?? Massif in the east, separated by the Ayhan basin.
The sub-aerial counterpart

2.2. The Gül?ehir–Avanos area
The Gül?ehir–Avanos area (Fig. 2) is adenine located in the center of the CACC, at the northern boundary of the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province of Cappadocia. It contains two crystalline massifs, the H?rkada? Massif in the west and Idi? Da?? Massif in the east, separated by the Ayhan basin.